Simple 1-on-1 maths tutoring in your home or local library

We offer simple and risk-free private maths tutoring catering to Primary School and High School levels of mathematics in Ryde and surrounding suburbs. We can come to your home, local library, as well as tutor online.

Find a reliable maths tutor near you within 48 hours!

  • Maths improvement, right at home

    Give your child the individual attention they need from the comfort of your home.

  • Full flexibility with your schedule

    Choose session times that work best for you, whether it’s after school, weekends, or evenings.

  • Small hand-vetted team of tutors

    Work with top-performing, vetted tutors with active Working with Children Checks.

  • No lock-in contracts

    No strings attached. Stay with us only as long as it works for you.

  • No hidden fees

    Know what you're paying for. We don't charge payment processor fees or credit card surcharges.

  • Love it, or it's free

    We believe you'll benefit from our tutoring. But if you're not happy with your trial session,

  • Online tutoring available

    Receive the same high-quality, personalised support with discounted online sessions

  • Support local

    Valuing local talent means investing in our community’s future and giving students role models they can relate to.

  • Primary School Tutoring

  • High School Tutoring

  • HSC Tutoring

  • Saro has been nothing short of incredible with his approach with Jack. He comes in completely prepared every lesson and Jack's results improved significantly after just a few sessions with him. I am pleased to say that you couldn't find a tutor more skilled, professional and respectful than Saro.

    Jason G.

  • Saro was an excellent tutor! Very helpful, patient and easy to understand. Saro also gave us extra questions to ensure we fully understood the topics of math we’re studying. Test results improved after I began tutoring!

    Year 12 Student

  • Saro is very patient and a good listener, we started couple of weeks ago and my children are really progressing. Also, they like the way he teach them.

    Farina S.

  • Reliable and very organised. Would not hesitate to recommend. Very professional!

    Maria K.

  • Without Saro as Samuel's maths tutor he wouldn't have achieved the standard he was after at school from maths. Awesome service and awesome tutor!

    Simon E.

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  • Fill a 30-second form

    Let us know some basic information, your tutoring needs and availabilities.

  • Get matched with a tutor

    We'll organise a tutor from our team who is suitable for your tutoring needs, and get in touch.

  • Have your first lesson

    Give our tutoring a go! If you like it, you can book in regularly. If not, we can try again until you're happy!


Have questions? We've got answers

How does your tutoring work?

Easy! We provide at-your-home, one-on-one maths tutoring for students in primary school, secondary school or those completing their HSC.

Which City of Ryde suburbs do you cover?

We happily offer our tuition services to the suburbs below:

DenistoneDenistone EastDenistone WestEast RydeEastwoodGladesvilleHunters HillMacquarie ParkMarsfieldMeadowbankMelrose ParkNorth RydePutneyRydeTennyson PointWest Ryde.

If your suburb is not listed above, we may still be able to find a tutor for you! However, travel fees may apply depending on distance and accessibility.

How do payments work?

Before your first session, you will receive an email from us with an invoice for the upcoming lesson. The invoice will have a secure payment button, which you can use to pay via a credit or debit card.

Note: We don't charge payment-processor fees, and we never will!

What is your cancellation policy?

If you wish to cancel your lesson with us, please notify your tutor at least 4 hours prior to your lesson. If you give us less notice, we reserve the right to charge you for that lesson.

What if we are running late?

If the student is not home and ready for tutoring at the start-time scheduled, we have a 15-minute grace period where the tutor will wait for the student to arrive.

However, assuming the student arrives within the 15 minutes, the tutor is still able to end the session at one-hour mark from the scheduled start-time.

If it is past 15 minutes and the session is not due to start, the tutor is allowed to leave your home, and we will reserve the right to charge you for the lesson.

Do you offer tutoring for other subjects?

At this stage, we only offer mathematics tutoring.

  • $75/h per in-person lesson

    • Love it or it's free
    • Pay-as-you-go
    • No lock-in contracts
    • No payment processor fees
  • $60/h per online lesson

    • Love it or it's free
    • Pay-as-you-go
    • No lock-in contracts
    • No payment processor fees

Book your first session now and save $20!

I'd prefer home tutoring
I'm open to library tutoring
I'm open to online tutoring for a discounted rate
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Maths Tutoring Primary School Tutoring

Primary School Tutoring

Regular price $75 AUD
Regular price Sale price $75 AUD
Sale Sold out
Taxes included.
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